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How companies can close the ‘Brand Inclusion Gap’ and embrace DE&I

Chris Freeland

October 10, 2022

According to the new British Social Attitudes report released last week, despite the current culture wars raging on our shores, the majority of the UK public now have liberal and inclusive views on racial equality, sexual identity, gender equality and more. The report shows we are an increasingly progressive society and as a result, diversity, equity and inclusion are becoming increasingly important to consumers — however, new research from RAPP has found that brands are falling massively short on truly embracing DE&I.

In first-of-its-kind research, my company RAPP has just done a deep dive into how brands are keeping up with this fast-changing world, where there’s been a significant shift in attitudes over recent times and we’ve discovered that brands are simply not keeping up. We found that consumers are 25% less likely to buy something from a brand which isn’t delivering diverse and inclusive representation in its communications, and 39% would talk negatively about them if they didn’t. Just 28% said they were seeing any genuine progress on this from brands.

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